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Agenda 2030
1. März 2015

Baudelaire in Burundi

The essay analyses the situation in Burundi two weeks after the parliamentary elections and a week prior to the presidential one.
Fragile Staaten

A New Deal for the Peacebuilding Commission?

In November 2014, FriEnt convened an expert roundtable discussion for policymakers, practitioners and researchers to discuss the interlinkages between the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States and the UN Peacebuilding Architecture.

Community resilience. The Nepali citizens’ struggle to secure their nation’s past and future

An earthquake brought the economy in Nepal to a grinding halt. The following essay analyses the effects of the quake and the impact it might have on nationbuilding.
Fragile Staaten
Transitional Justice

My kingdom for a horse. Geopolitics and the challenges of transitional justice and justice in Syria

This essay seeks to address the challenges of an impartial justice process for post-conflict Syria given the national complexities and the role of external actors with entrenched geopolitical interests and being involved in the on-going violence.
Agenda 2030
Internationaler Friedenstag

Eine Welt ohne Hunger in einer Welt voller Konflikte

Die Podiumsdiskussion zum Internationalen Friedenstag 2014 nahm den Zusammenhang zwischen Friedensförderung und Ernährungssicherung in den Blick.

How do I know

In der Studie präsentieren FriEnt-Mitglieder Erfahrungen mit Lernprozessen und Strategieentwicklungen. Die Erkenntnis ist, Wirkungsorientierung in seiner gegenwärtigen Praxis behindert eine bessere Wirkungserreichung eher als dass sie sie unterstützt.
Transitional Justice

Reparations, land and natural resources

The FriEnt Workshop on Reparations, Land and Natural Resources identifies lessons learned, including major challenges and best practices, for contexts of violations linked to natural resources and land.
Transitional Justice
Wirtschaft und Frieden

FriEnt’s Tour d’horizon of the inclusion of Economic and Social dimensions into Transitional Justice

Over the past years FriEnt has organized a series of conferences and workshops on this topic that brought together very different perspectives. We thus assembled and encouraged exchange on experiences and lessons learned, but also on challenges and new ways.
Transitional Justice

Linking Peacebuilding and Health in post-conflict settings

Health is being possessed by the people that ‘operationalize’ the collective norms of their community. Their well-being is a prerequisite to a functioning and healthy society. Thus, public health policy should be a central concern of all post-conflict recovery activities.

Entwicklung in unsicheren Gefilden

Das Briefing beleuchtet Kernbegriffe sicherheits-, außen- und entwicklungspolitischer Akteure und zeigt Herausforderungen bei Strategieentwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. Ein Aspekt sind die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven und kontroversen Positionen staatlicher und zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure.