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1. Mai 2010

Ein zwiespältiges Verhältnis: Private Sicherheitsfirmen und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

Dieses Briefing gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Ursachen, Wirkungen und Trends privater Sicherheitsmärkte in Entwicklungsländern und in bewaffneten Konflikten. Es zeigt Ansätze zu deren Regulierung auf und diskutiert Herausforderungen und Handlungsansätze der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.
Transitional Justice

Keynote Speech. Linking Transitional Justice and Development

Experts know that, in practice, the efforts to pursue objectives of development and justice can challenge us with difficult choices and the need to establish priorities and resolve crucial dilemmas.
Naher Osten

Walking the Line. Strategic Approaches to Peacebuilding in Lebanon

The essay analyses the conflict and peacebuilding context after the 2006 war in Lebanon and the ensuing political deadlock and escalation throughout 2007.
Agenda 2030
Transitional Justice

Engaging with Victims and Perpetrators in Transitional Justice and Peace Building Processes

Opferorientierte Arbeit muss auch Täter berücksichtigen muss, wenn die Ziele Frieden und Gerechtigkeit erreicht werden sollen. Die Dokumentation gibt die wichtigsten Ergebnisse eines Workshops wieder und präsentiert einige weitergehende Schlüsse aus den Falldarstellungen und Diskussionen.
Transitional Justice

Looking back and moving forward. The nexus between development and transitional justice

The sense of integrity and fairness must be restored in post-conflict contexts. This requires both transitional justice processes and development policies to be adapted to address the past and overcome injustice and to build the future based on inclusive justice and fairness.
Transitional Justice

The Example of Rwanda’s Multi-layered Justice Mechanisms. Justice Mechanisms and the Question of Legitimacy

Drawing on the example of Rwanda’s multi-layered justice mechanisms the model of legitimacy are referenced to various internal and external actors who seek to (de)legitimate transitional justice institutions, and to what this entails for the legitimacy of these mechanisms in general.
Transitional Justice

Establishing Links between DDR and Reparations. Contributing to Peace and Justice

The paper aims to construct an argument about the advisability of drawing links between DDR and reparations programs, not just because this is better from the standpoint of justice, but because it may help DDR programs as well.
Transitional Justice

Development and Legitimacy in Transitional Justice

The workshop report aims to share some of the ideas and major findings of two workshops. It was made possible by the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Transitional Justice

Aid to Transitional Justice in Rwanda and Guatemala

The study defines transitional justice broadly, including not only criminal courts, truth commissions and reparations but also “traditional” mechanisms as well as security-sector reform. Statistics from 15 donor agencies and qualitative information from 24 donor representatives was analysed.
Transitional Justice

Transitional Justice & Dealing with the Past. FriEnt Guidance Paper

The Guidance Paper explains key challenges and issues arising for development and peace organisations. It offers an initial frame of reference for the design of projects/programmes that fit in with the transitional justice concept.