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Transitional Justice
28. Juni 2007

Socio-economic and Political Justice in Nepal. A Civil Society Perspective

The expert paper argues that it is expected that the re-structured society in Nepal would provide socioeconomic and cultural opportunities for enhancing livelihood and dignified lives for all the exploited, excluded poor people in the country.
Transitional Justice

For the Sake of Peace… Transitional Justice as a Field of Development-oriented Peace Work

The FriEnt Briefing Paper explains terminology and concepts of relevance to transitional justice, identifies key challenges and issues arising for development and peace organisations, highlights the most significant problems, and outlines strategies for action.
Transitional Justice

Um des lieben Friedens Willen

Dieses FriEnt Briefing erläutert relevante Begriffe und Konzepte rund um Transitional Justice, identifiziert zentrale Herausforderungen und Fragestellungen für entwicklungs- und friedenspolitische Organisationen, weist auf Spannungsfelder hin und präsentiert Handlungsansätze.