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Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,

als Impulsartikel finden Sie in dieser Ausgabe den Eröffnungsbeitrag unserer neuen Blog-Reihe "Implementing Agendas for Peace" des "Future Needs Peacebuildung Blogs". Andrew Tomlinson, ehemaliger Direktor von QUNO in New York, untersucht die Potenziale und Herausforderungen, die sich den Peacebuilding-Akteuren bei der Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 stellen. Daneben finden Sie weitere aktuelle Beiträge aus dieser und der Business-Peace-Reihe des Future Needs Peacebuilding Blogs sowie Neuigkeiten aus unseren Mitgliedsorganisationen.

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Peacebuilding on a global stage

Opportunities to influence international norms and standards

The new section of the Future Needs Peacebuilding Blog focusses on Implementing Agendas for Peace. Under the premise that global arenas and agendas provide leverage points for peacebuilding dimensions, the blog articles focus on how well and future-oriented the peacebuilding dimension is set up in international and national systems. Andrew Tomlinson's opening article investigates the potential and challenges that peacebuilding actors face with regard to implementing the 2030 Agenda.

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New Visions for the Central African Republic

Implementing the SDGs and promoting peace in the Central African Republic: What can be done?

The new section of the Future Needs Peacebuilding Blog focusses on Implementing Agendas for Peace. Under the premise that global arenas and agendas provide leverage points for peacebuilding dimensions, the blog articles focus on how well and future-oriented the peacebuilding dimension is set up in international and national systems. Eloi Kouzoundji critically examines the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Central African Republic (CAR).


A road map to a more resilient and sustainable future

SDG16+: An enabling goal and the opportunity to build back better

The 2030 Agenda recognizes that “there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.”. Peaceful, just and inclusive societies are accordingly considered both outcomes and enablers of sustainable development.


A tale of patience and perseverance

How civil society can engage with Chinese mining companies to improve human security and conflict resolution in the Democratic Republic of Congo

How to engage with Chinese companies that seem to be mostly interested in commercial outcomes while sidestepping the issues around environmental and community security? There is no simple answer, and there are not many positive stories to tell. But there is a very small community in a faraway part of the DRC, who decided to take action. The case has been anonymized for the purpose of this blog, yet it is a tale worth telling.

Tipps & Infos

"Koloniale Kontinuitäten überwinden“

Kommentar zum Koalitionsvertrag von SPD, Grünen und FDP in puncto Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik - PRIF BLOG

Der Beitrag des Peace Research Institutes Frankfurt (PRIF) bewertet den Koalitionsvertrag, dessen Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten und mögliche Konfliktfelder der neuen Koalition. Es geht um Rüstungsexporte und Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr, zivile Krisenprävention und feministische Außenpolitik sowie den Umgang mit China und Afrika.

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