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die Ergebnisse der Klimakonferenz in Sharm El-Sheikh enttäuschten. Dies war vorhersehbar, denn so endeten bisher alle Klimakonferenzen. Einige große Emittenten und ölproduzierende Staaten verhinderten überfällige Schritte zum Ausstieg aus fossilen Energien. Wieder einmal wird wertvolle Zeit verschenkt. Immerhin sollen arme Staaten aus dem Globalen Süden Reparationen für bisherige Schäden bekommen. Die Autorin unseres Leitartikels stellt auch bisherige Ansätze zur Bewältigung der Klimakrise in Frage. Zu wenig werde das Konfliktpotential eines steigenden Energiebedarfs berücksichtigt, selbst wenn er klimaneutral wäre. Sie fordert ein Umdenken hin zu neuen Wirtschafts- und Lebenskonzepten.

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Klimaretter im Gasrausch

Europas Energiesicherheit auf dem Rücken des Globalen Südens

Europa kauft weltweit fossile Brennstoffe, um die Versorgung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu sichern. Steigende Energiepreise treffen besonders Länder im Globalen Süden. Die ohnehin schon prekäre Lage wird weiter verschärft und das Konfliktpotential steigt. Doch auch ein Fokus auf erneuerbare Energien schafft hier keine Abhilfe, denn auch die Energiewende bringt einen ansteigenden Ressourcenbedarf mit sich. Der Wettbewerb um diese Ressourcen sorgt bereits jetzt für bewaffnete Konflikte.

Zum Leitartikel


The end of transitional justice?

Potentials and limitations of our position in the decolonization debate

Transitional Justice could and should accept the challenge of decolonial thinking… but it may mean the end of its current form. The practice and standardization of TJ reflect and cement power structures and do not meet emancipatory aspirations. Of all the theoretical challenges transitional justice has had, the decolonial one is probably the most radical and productive. We better embrace it, in theory and in practice. Existential challenges are actually quite good for a field’s health.

Tipps & Infos

In solidarity with the women in Iran

Watch the online event on feminist foreign policy demands towards Iran

All eyes are on Iran. The brutal death in custody of Jîna Masha Amini has sparked nationwide protests across all parts of Iranian society. The protesters do not focus exclusively on women's rights anymore but demand freedom for all Iranians and a regime change. The regime has reacted brutally with arrests and killings. The Centre for Feminist Foreign policy has organised an event to articulate clear and actionable demands for the German government and the international community.


Property rights don't recover themselves

New study on the challenges and opportunities in the property restitution process after the second Karabakh War

Restitution of housing and property related to forced displacement is at the core of many political debates on transitional justice. Does transitional justice provide a sufficient basis for understanding how to best respond to property claims following military conflict? And what kind of assistance programs are applied in an unrecognized state experiencing wartime? Eviya Hovhannisyan and Nika Musavi address these questions in the context of the Second Karabakh War.


Environmental breakdowns in areas of conflict

Online Event: Measures to mitigate the overlapping crises of environmental degradation, climate change and violent conflict

Across the world, climate change and environmental degradation have sweeping impact on local communities. In many areas of the world they cause food insecurity, the displacement of millions and undermine human security. The risk of escalation increases. At the same time, conflicts diminish people's ability to adapt to environmental challenges. The online event on Friday, 2nd December explores measures to mitigate these overlapping crises and reflects upon the developments at COP27.

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