| | Here be dragons – Navigation marks for German peace policy | What are key requirements for a future German peace policy in response to the changing conditions and (global) demands for peace and human security? An open dialogue with peacebuilding activists and think tanks from Africa, Asia, and Europe discussed the implications of the current political upheavals in different parts of the world and developed recommendations for future German policies – including the upcoming National Security Strategy. | |
| | Veranstaltungstipp | | FriEnt | | The UN tenure guidelines in times of rising food prices | In the context of the 10th anniversary of the VGGT the online event on the 28th November takes stock and assesses the way forward for responsible land governance and food security. To what extent did the VGGT impact land governance and food security over the past 10 years? How can their utilisation be improved in times of multiple crises with increasing pressure on land resources and rising food prices? Register now for the online exchange. | |
| Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie | | | Desinformation als Mittel der Kriegsführung | Das globale Ausmaß von Desinformation hat rapide zugenommen. Besonders in Friedensoperationen stellt Desinformation eine Waffe dar, denn sie schwächt die Legitimität von entsendenden multilateralen Organisationen. Daher sollte die nationale Sicherheitsstrategie die Verteidigung von Sicherheit auch im Informationsumfeld von Friedenseinsätzen berücksichtigen und strategische Kommunikation ins Zentrum stellen. Die Deutungshoheit im Informationsraum darf nicht an feindliche Akteure verloren gehen. | |
| | | Stand for her land | The mangrove forests provide livelihood activities for millions of inhabitants. Landesa launched the Mangroves for Coastal Resilience project to conserve hectares of these forests. Yet, conservation alone is not enough. Who has rights and access to land and forests is crucial. The stand for Her Land campaign (S4HL) therefore helps women to close the gap in women’s land rights. A call to all parties at COP27 to root climate action and justice in land rights for women and rural communities. | |
| Menschenrechte | | Brot für die Welt | | Im permanenten Ausnahmezustand? | Am 26.09. veranstaltete Brot für die Welt gemeinsam mit sieben weiteren Organisationen in Berlin die Konferenz „Im permanenten Ausnahmezustand? Menschenrechtliche Herausforderungen an den EU-Außengrenzen – und jenseits des Mittelmeers“. Dort diskutierten rund 120 Teilnehmende über bedenkliche Entwicklungen an den Außengrenzen – und was wir ihnen entgegensetzen können. | |
| | Water, Peace and Security (WPS) | | Berghof Foundation | | Pushed to the city | Many regions in Iraq are facing acute water shortages and force people to leave their farms as their livelihood is in danger. Little opportuntities in urban centres push these displaced people towards illicit economies. Inclusive dialogue settings and climate-focused mediation can help to face the challenges of the social dimension of climate adaption. | |