Global Partnerships

Global dialogue

In a world increasingly characterised by nationalism and authoritarian regimes, FriEnt focuses on cooperation instead of confrontation and on collective action in global responsibility. As a counterpoint to the eroding framework conditions for peacebuilding, FriEnt strengthens international networking and global dialogue on overarching trends and issues in peacebuilding. Due to its state-civil society composition, the global partnership network of its member organisations and its many years of experience, the working group is in a good position to strengthen equal global partnerships for peaceful, inclusive, and just societies. 

The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum  

The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum (FriEnt PBF) is an international platform for cross-actor dialogue on current developments, issues and challenges in the policy field of peacebuilding. It is focused on topics that are equally relevant for politics and practice. The conference aims to provide impetus for the development and visibility of the policy field and to strengthen global dialogue and strategic partnerships.

Every two years, the FriEnt PBF offers German and international state and civil society actors in peacebuilding the opportunity to network and discuss pressing issues. The aim of the event is to build bridges between state and civil society actors, between local and global perspectives on existing approaches and partnerships as well as between academia and practice.

The Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt) is an association of governmental organisations, church development agencies, civil society networks, and political foundations.


Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frieden

und Entwicklung (FriEnt) c/ o GIZ

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36

53113 Bonn

Tel +49 228 4460-1916


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