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Digital Peace

Report by German Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation
FriEnt Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Foto: Steven Johnson | Unsplash

The German Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation has published the report on their annual conference which took place from April 21 to 23 in Loccum, Germany. Among the 70 participants were leading experts from the field of peaceful conflict transformation, digital experts, academics, and political decisionmakers. They discussed their perspectives on the question ‚How Does Digitization Affect Conflict Transformation – and vice versa?‘.

A key finding of the conference was that digital peacebuilding has become established, as it became more and more of a standard feature of peacebuilding efforts. The participants agreed, though, that it must be understood as a complementing tool of analogue approaches and should not be regarded as their replacement. Further findings concern, amongst others, the necessary focus on digital inclusion, the safety requirements of data collection in conflict situations as well as data security.

The report is available for a free download on the website of the German Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation.


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Digital Peace. How Does Digitization Affect Conflict Transformation - and vice versa?

Report of the Annual Conference of the Platform Peaceful Conflict Transformation (21-23 April 2023)

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