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Shifting Power in Peace

FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum 2024 I 5-6 June 2024 in Berlin
FriEnt Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Feministische Friedensförderung
Frieden und Klima
Frieden und Sicherheit

The FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum invites members of the global peacebuilding community and its stakeholders to reflect on how the current power shifts affect peacebuilding. The conference addresses these “new dynamics and agendas” by looking beyond established paradigms to “reshape cooperation for sustainable peace and development”.

The Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt) is very pleased that the sixth edition of the FriEnt Peacebuilding Forum (PBF) will take place as an in-person conference themed:

Shifting Power in Peace.

New Dynamics and Agendas – Reshaping Cooperation for Sustainable Peace and Development

  • 5 June | 5 pm – 9.30 pm
  • 6 June | 9 am – 2 pm

Speakers and participants from around the globe will shape the discussions and interactive sessions on current challenges and trends. This year’s conference will take place on the premises of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Berlin, Germany, offering many opportunities to network and exchange.

Are we ready for a Just Peace?

Promoting justice and equity is key to sustainable development and peace – but are we ready for it? Structural injustices and inequalities are still at the root of conflicts today. These asymmetries are even exacerbated, as the most vulnerable populations are the ones most affected by violent conflict and interlinked global crises. At the same time, cooperation for peacebuilding faces a shifting world order in which close to half of all conflicts in 2021 were internationalised. The FriEnt PBF invites members of the global peacebuilding community and its stakeholders to reflect on how this power shift also affects peacebuilding. The conference addresses these “new dynamics and agendas” by looking beyond established paradigms to “reshape cooperation for sustainable peace and development”. The focus of the conference lies on the following three policy areas:

Reshaping Alliances for Peace and Security

What is the role for Europe?

Promoting Peace through Climate Justice

How can environmental peacebuilding address injustices and conflicts to promote a just transition?

Addressing Dilemmas in Power Shifts

How do peacebuilding practitioners and feminist actors navigate resistance in transforming power structures?

Side events on related topics will take place around the event.

Please find more information about the conference and its agenda on our website: https://www.frient-peacebuilding-forum.de


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