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Towards meaningful inclusion

Berghof Foundation and CFFP publish guidebook on inclusion of LGBTQI+ groups
Berghof Foundation
Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP)
Foto: CFFP

In the 23rd year since the adoption of UN resolution 1325, governments, international organisations, and civil society groups worldwide are making efforts to integrate gender considerations into the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) framework. However, the unique needs and perspectives of the LGBTQI+ community have often been overlooked.

In collaboration with the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP), Berghof Foundation has created a guidebook to assist civil society representatives and policy practitioners in better acknowledging the lived experiences of LGBTQI+ individuals.

The guidebook is available for free on the Website of Berghof Foundation.

You can also access a complementary 1.5-hour e-learning programme named „LGBTQI+ Perspectives in Women, Peace, and Security“ on atingi – a free learning platform designed to provide online learning offers specifically for the context of emerging markets.


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