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Looking back and moving forward. The nexus between development and transitional justice

15. August 2007
Transitional Justice
The sense of integrity and fairness must be restored in post-conflict contexts. This requires both transitional justice processes and development policies to be adapted to address the past and overcome injustice and to build the future based on inclusive justice and fairness.

The award-winning author, Frances Moore Lappe eloquently states, “Fairness is inherent to human nature. It is at the core of human values. When people are treated unfairly, this goes against the grain of their very humanness. It violates their integrity. They become willing to take up violence as a way of regaining their humanity.’’ When war ends and violence ceases, this lost sense of integrity and fairness must be restored. In the aftermath of conflict, in order for peace to be more than merely symbolic, national stakeholders and their international supporters have to tackle the social inequities that were causes of the war just as much as they have to redress the gross human rights violations and war crimes that were consequences of war, and the rule of law whose absence or manipulation permitted the recourse to violence. This requires both transitional justice processes and development policies to be adapted to address the past and overcome injustice and to build the future based on inclusive justice and fairness.

Rama Mani
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Looking back and moving forward. The nexus between development and transitional justice
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