31 Marathons für das Wasser
Simon Fischer möchte mit seinem „Blue Run“ durch die Bundesrepublik aufmerksam machen auf die Bedrohung unserer Wasserversorgung durch extreme Dürre und sintflutartige Regenfälle. Auch das „Wassermobil“ des Weltfriedensdienstes ist dabei. Der 22. März ist Weltwassertag und soll international das Bewusstsein für diese kostbare Ressource schärfen. Simon Fischer hat als Journalist in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit die Auswirkungen […]
Pushed to the city
Many regions in Iraq are facing acute water shortages and force people to leave their farms as their livelihood is in danger. Little opportuntities in urban centres push these displaced people towards illicit economies. Inclusive dialogue settings and climate-focused mediation can help to face the challenges of the social dimension of climate adaption. For many […]
The case of the Water, Peace and Security partnership.
Water security is deteriorating worldwide. How are water scarcity and conflicts connected? And how can joint expertise and collaboration in water management help in such situations? The Water, Peace and Security (WPS) Partnership argues that a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder response is required to successfully address water-related tensions. People are interconnected through water and multiple stakeholder […]
Grist to the mill for peacebuilding?
Water plays an important role for peace and stability of the African continent. In addition to the conservation of wetlands, interventions around the preservation of water can support peacebuilding. Based on examples drawn from the engagement of the Water Peace and Security partnership in Mali and Kenya, these practical experiences show how water is key […]