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Unveiling the unseen

We know from our research and our experience in supporting peace processes that the outcomes are more sustainable when peacebuilders manage to include everyone affected. In order to design and implement inclusive peacebuilding programming, peacebuilders need to consider the multiple forms of discrimination that the people they work with may face. Gender intersects with class, […]

Conflict Analyses for teaching in German schools

When students approach teachers with questions about the war in Ukraine, Afghanistan or Syria, a short “That’s complicated!” is not enough. Even at an early age, pupils want to know what armed conflicts are about and what kind of peace initiatives exist. The Service Agency for Peace Education, which is supported by the Berghof Foundation, […]

Integrierte Sicherheit gesucht

Die erste nationale Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland steht unter dem Leitbild der integrierten Sicherheit. Was bedeutet diese Ausrichtung für den künftigen Kurs der Bundesregierung und wie lassen sich Politik und Praxis kohärent verknüpfen? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigt sich eine gemeinsame Veranstaltungsreihe von FriEnt, der Berghof Foundation und der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS). Zum Auftakt stand eine […]

How do you negotiate peace?

From the wars in Ukraine and Syria to the conflict in Sudan: many conflicts seem insolvable. Luxshi Vimalarajah’s job is to mediate in exactly these and to talk to all actors involved. As the Senior Mediation and Development Advisor of Berghof Foundation, she served as a peace mediator in various conflicts. In this interview with […]

From female combatants to filmmakers

On 20 June 2023, Berghof Foundation, in cooperation with Makipura CTS, the Foundation for Women Affected by Conflicts and the Gender, Justice and Security Hub, premiered the movie “I Have to Speak: Colombia and Uganda”. It features the voices of women in conflict and post-conflict settings and their situation within the peace processes in the […]

Towards Peace

Berghof Foundation’s Annual Report 2022 has been released. Written statements and several videos give an overview about new and ongoing projects, publications and events. A detailed list of the donations and finances of the organisation is also available. The report in english language is available online on Berghof Foundation’s website.

Beyond box-ticking

At an event of the Transitional Justice Hub practitioners from around the world met policy-makers to discuss how people-centred transitional justice can contribute to building sustainable peace. Truth commission – check. Criminal procedures – check. Security sector reform – check. Peace – check? In the early years of its emergence in the 1990s, transitional justice […]

Sealing the cracks

Gender-sensitive and feminist approaches need to be applied to digital technologies in order to reduce the risk of reproducing biases or even doing harm. The report “Sealing the cracks. An intersectional feminist perspective on digital peacebuilding” explores how these two perspectives intersect in digital peacebuilding. How can we ensure that digital peacebuilding projects do not […]

Das gesamte Interview finden Sie hier im Newsletter von Venro.

Evelyn Pauls from Berghof Foundation shares valuable insights on participatory peacebuilding approaches and lessons learned from her work with female ex-combatants. In spring 2022, my colleague and I were maneuvering plants around in a co-working space in central Bogotá to create a suitable backdrop for a practice video interview. This was the fourth time we […]

Forging Cooperation on Peace and Climate

In Somalia effects of climate change and environmental challenges are deepening fragility, creating obstacles for peacebuilding and thereby sustainable development. Together, they are amplifying threats to human security for many who depend on agriculture, multiplying the number of land disputes and hastening displacement across the country. FriEnt and Berghof will discuss with Somali experts. On […]

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