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The FriEnt-Team

All FriEnt members send one member of staff to the FriEnt team. These ‘seconded’ team members work partly for FriEnt and partly for their member organisation. This ensures close cooperation between the FriEnt team and members. In addition, there are employees who take care of organisation and cross-sectional tasks, such as financial management, communication or international networking.

Lena Bareiß
Representative of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
+49 228 4460 2697
Christina Bermann-Harms
Representative of the Consortium Civil Peace Service (CPS)
+49 30-93624932
Johann Ivanov
Representative of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
+49 30 26935 7413
Alena Kalpinskaya
Finance and office management
+49 228 4460-1916
Barbara Kemper
Representative of Misereor
Caroline Kruckow
Representative of Brot für die Welt
Dorothée Lepperhoff
Representative of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
+49 228 4460-3611
Dr. Matthias Ries
+49 228 4460 1137
Nina Strumpf
Representative of Berghof Foundation and Plattform Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung
+49 30 844154-80
Svenja Windisch
Advisor for International Agendas and Processes
+49 228 4460 3115
Bettina Wolff
Advisor Communications
+49 228 4460 3607

Current topics

Feminist Peacebuilding