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Steering Committee

The steering committee, which includes a representative of each FriEnt member, sets the political guidelines and is responsible for the overall strategic management. Two chairmen are elected by the steering committee and represent it between meetings. Currently these are Dr. Martin Schuldes (BMZ) and Silke Pfeiffer (Bread for the World).
Member organization
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Dr. Martin Schuldes
Head of Peace and Security Department
Falko Lorenzat
Peace and Security Department
Brot für die Welt
Silke Pfeiffer
Head of the Human Rights and Peace Department
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH
Dr. Markus Mayer
Head of Competence Center for Peace and Emergency Aid in the Methods Department
Konstantin Bärwaldt
Head of Department for Global and European Politics
Konsortium Ziviler Friedensdienst
Bernd Rieche
Speaker Action Group Service for Peace (AGDF)
Irene Mukasa-Erben Teamleitung Ziviler Friedendsdienst von AGIAMONDO
Misereor / Katholische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe
Dorothee Klüppel
Head of the Africa and Middle East Department
Dr. Ulrich Füsser Abteilungsleiter Asien
Plattform Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung / Berghof Foundation
Ginger Schmitz
Managing Director of the Civil Conflict Management Platform
Beatrix Austin Head of Conflict Transformation Research

Current topics

Feminist Peacebuilding