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Frauenrechte schützen, Heldinnen unterstützen

Viele Frauenrechtsorganisationen befinden sich auch in „normalen Zeiten“ im Krisenmodus. Was aber, wenn zu bestehenden Problemen eine Krise mit globalem Ausmaß hinzukommt? Der Impuls von medica mondiale gibt einen Einblick in die Frauenrechtsarbeit der Organisation und ihrer Partnerinnen weltweit unter der aktuellen Corona-Pandemie. Impuls 06/2020 von Sybille Fezer, medica mondiale „We are always working“ – […]

What can help us in helping others

Many development and peacebuilding organisations see the need to take the self-care and mental health of their staff seriously. However, many struggle to institutionalise effective mechanisms of self-care. The feminist development and women’s rights organization medica mondiale shares some best practices and lessons learned from its work around the world. Working tirelessly towards peace and […]

How do you tell your child that she was born after rape?

Dealing with the past for mothers of children born after rape is essentially about telling the truth. How can this be done in ways that do not reinforce the socially imposed silence but instead contribute to healing? The text reflects an experience from Rwanda. Dealing with the past for mothers of children born after rape […]