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Agenda 2030

Picture of Svenja Windisch
Svenja Windisch


In a closely interconnected world, global challenges for the prevention of violence and the management of conflicts become increasingly important. The dynamics of violent conflict are thus influenced by consumption- and production patterns elsewhere – violent conflicts simultaneously affect sustainable development in other countries. The increasing social polarization also tests the cohesion in Germany and Europe. We can only overcome these challenges through collective efforts.

The Agenda 2030 for sustainable development does not only unite the social, economic, ecological, and political dimensions of sustainability, but also appeals to universal validity. It recognises that neither the causes nor the consequences of fragility and violence are exclusively of intrastate nature. Local and global responses to peacebuilding therefore need to be thought of collectively and local voices must be placed at the centre of the design and implementation of global agendas.

SDG 16

The preamble of Agenda 2030 defines the “interlinkages between the goals for sustainable development and their integrative character” as being of crucial significance. The SDGs are supposed to support each other. The broad thematic approach of the SDGs offers the potential to closely examine previously under-represented effects of change and synergies of peace and sustainable development, and to develop integrated approaches.

Hardly any global sustainable goal of Agenda 2030 is as interconnected with other goals as SGD 16 for peaceful, just, and inclusive societies: poverty, water scarcity, and climate change can exacerbate conflicts; economic growth, education, good governance, and less inequality contribute to peaceful transformations if the conflict dynamics are considered sufficiently.

FriEnt is involved in numerous processes and global alliances, which study the progress in achieving peaceful, just, and inclusive societies. As part of its membership in the Civil Society Platform on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS), FriEnt supports civil society participation and the consideration of peace-related topics in the SDG-examination in fragile and conflict-affected states and promotes the networking with international actors. FriEnt provides its members with information and consultation about relevant multilateral developments and integrates international processes, such as Agenda 2030, in the existing focal points of work.

Picture of Svenja Windisch
Svenja Windisch
