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Structural change in Nepal due to the Covid-19 pandemic

In Nepal, women very often play the role of peacebuilders in their families and communities. Yoga Raj Sapkota and Stephanie Theis, peace advisors and consultants for GIZ in Nepal, describe how this role is currently changing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and what opportunities for improved social cohesion and peace are opened up […]

Pathways towards a revitalised Africa-EU partnership

The author describes the opportunities of the postponement of the EU-AU summit and the adoption of a new partnership agreement in October 2020. The African Union and European Union were scheduled to adopt a new strategic partnership agreement at an AU-EU summit in October 2020, but it had to be postponed due to COVID-19 risks […]

COVID-19 in Libyen

Trotz diplomatischer Bemühungen auf der Berliner Konferenz verschlechtert sich die Sicherheitslage in Libyen. Das ermöglicht ideale Bedingungen für eine unbemerkte Verbreitung von COVID-19. Deutschland sollte die in Berlin eingerichteten Dialogformate neu beleben, um die technische Unterstützung aller beteiligten Akteure zu nutzen. Weiterhin sollte es seine bilaterale Unterstützung ausbauen, um koordinierte Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Virus […]

COVID-19 und Fragilität

Während Regierungen weltweit mit dem Kampf gegen die COVID-19 Pandemie und ihre wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen beschäftigt sind, kann eine weitere Bedrohung ungesehen verheerenden Schaden anrichten. Korruption, gewinnorientierte Kriminalität und die daraus resultierenden illegalen Finanzströme (IFF) erleben in der aktuellen Krise Hochkonjunktur. Weltweit kursieren Berichte über Beamte, die in der Corona-Krise Gelder veruntreuen. Gelder, mit denen Lebensmittel […]

COVID-19 in Sri Lanka

The pressure on Sri Lanka’s Muslim community has intensified, especially since the attacks in April 2019. They face heightened levels of discrimination and experience hate speech and distrust on a daily basis. Some local media outlets (both press and TV) have even blamed Muslims for introducing COVID-19 and spreading it around the country. It seems […]

COVID-19 in Jordan

Helena Speidel, peace advisor with forumZFD in Jordan, describes her impressions of a country in lockdown. In spite of all the difficulties coronavirus has inflicted on the people of Jordan, there is still reason for hope. This blog post was originally published by ForumZFD. You can find the original contribution here. I am writing this […]

The ‘youth burden’ needs a new narrative

In fragile and conflict-affected settings, Covid-19 is increasing vulnerabilities and tensions caused by unequal access to already strained (and often inexistent) social and medical services. This is particularly true for young people – one in every four of whom live in such areas. This blog was originally published on odi.org. You can find the original blogpost here. […]

(Fighting) Jihadism in the age of the coronavirus

On 23 March 2020, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for an immediate global ceasefire in light of the spread of the coronavirus. Unmoved by this appeal, Jihadist groups around the world are eager to exploit the current crisis for their purposes. Particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, which has become a hotspot for Islamist violence over the […]

Peace and security in the face of COVID-19

The global crisis is hitting the poorest hardest. That is true of the major urban conurbations in the West and it is true in the global South. Fragile states, war zones and post-conflict areas are the least prepared to deal with the pandemic. The economic repercussions, social dislocation and potential for conflict cannot be realistically […]

Combatting the corona virus

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented challenge that is facing communities around the world. Governments, organizations and individuals from all sectors across the globe are coming together to help to devise responses and tackle this global outbreak. This collective challenge has induced global solidarity and support. From a peacebuilding perspective, the virus does not only […]