Das deutsch-israelische Verhältnis
Das deutsch-israelische Verhältnis wird als Prozess der “Versöhnung” oder “Wiedergutmachung” mit Jüdinnen und Juden gesehen. Die Konzentration auf die historische Verantwortung und das bis heute bestehende deutsche Streben nach Normalisierung hat aber zentrale Aspekte von Aufarbeitungsprozessen außer Acht gelassen: eine tiefe gesellschaftliche Auseinandersetzung und die Infragestellung des ideologischen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Systems, auf dem der […]
Beyond national cultures of remembrance
Since the early 1950s, international exchange and encounter schemes have been an increasingly important form of youth education work in Germany. Bilateral events usually involve complicated visa requirements, which are accompanied by significant administrative work. In recent years there has been a noticeable increase in multilateral encounters. Since the early 1950s, international exchange and encounter […]
Memory in international youth encounters
The memory of the genocide of Sinti and Roma has very different starting points in German and Czech society. German-Czech youth encounters enable young people to gather new experiences outside the national framework of remembrance and to deal openly with the topic due to the distance in time and over generations. International youth encounters are […]
Experience history together
Under the motto “Remembering together for a common future”, the bilateral youth exchange between Germany and the Czech Republic has focused in recent years on dealing with their shared history. At one time, international youth exchanges tended to focus on national customs and folk elements. The original thinking behind these official exchange and encounter programmes […]
Experience history together
Under the motto „Remembering together for a common future“, the bilateral youth exchange between Germany and the Czech Republic has focused in recent years on dealing with their shared history. At one time, international youth exchanges tended to focus on national customs and folk elements. The original thinking behind these official exchange and encounter programmes […]
From toe to head
Football is a popular sport all over the world, but the beautiful game has an ugly side as well: anti-Semitic, racist, sexist and homophobic chants and abuse in and outside the stadiums. The Tüpfelhausen – das Familienportal e.V. community organisation in Leipzig has developed its own unique response to the surge of the far right […]