Grauzonen statt Polarisierung
Annabelle Houdret vom German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) plädiert in der aktuellen IDOS-Kolumne für einen Umgang mit dem Nahostkonflikt jenseits einer Schwarz-Weiß-Wahrnehmung. Mit Blick auf die deutsche Geschichte bedeute das auch, „niemals auf der Basis von Religion, Ethnie, Geschlecht und anderen Markern der sozialen Identifikation auszugrenzen“. “Nur Souveränität, Sicherheit und Wohlstand in beiden […]
Much homework has been given to decision makers
This year’s Bonn Climate Change Conference set the agenda for COP28. FriEnt, IDOS, IA and Brot für die WElt invited experts from the global South and North to a side event. Together they gave the negotiators homework: Measures to mitigate climate change must take into account the potential for conflict. The Bonn Climate Change Conference […]
Here be dragons – Navigation marks for German peace policy
What are key requirements for a future German peace policy in response to the changing conditions and (global) demands for peace and human security? An open dialogue with peacebuilding activists and think tanks from Africa, Asia, and Europe discussed the implications of the current political upheavals in different parts of the world and developed recommendations […]