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Women Mediator Networks

Join Berghof Foundation’s online event on 1 December 2023 to find out more about the importance of women mediator networks and the challenges they face. Considerable progress has been made in involving women in peace processes since the adoption of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security more than twenty […]

Towards meaningful inclusion

In the 23rd year since the adoption of UN resolution 1325, governments, international organisations, and civil society groups worldwide are making efforts to integrate gender considerations into the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) framework. However, the unique needs and perspectives of the LGBTQI+ community have often been overlooked. In collaboration with the Centre for Feminist […]

Unveiling the unseen

We know from our research and our experience in supporting peace processes that the outcomes are more sustainable when peacebuilders manage to include everyone affected. In order to design and implement inclusive peacebuilding programming, peacebuilders need to consider the multiple forms of discrimination that the people they work with may face. Gender intersects with class, […]

From female combatants to filmmakers

On 20 June 2023, Berghof Foundation, in cooperation with Makipura CTS, the Foundation for Women Affected by Conflicts and the Gender, Justice and Security Hub, premiered the movie „I Have to Speak: Colombia and Uganda“. It features the voices of women in conflict and post-conflict settings and their situation within the peace processes in the […]

Sealing the cracks

Gender-sensitive and feminist approaches need to be applied to digital technologies in order to reduce the risk of reproducing biases or even doing harm. The report “Sealing the cracks. An intersectional feminist perspective on digital peacebuilding” explores how these two perspectives intersect in digital peacebuilding. How can we ensure that digital peacebuilding projects do not reinforce […]

Go beyond „add woman and stir“

The rise of Feminist Foreign Policy has opened a door to rethinking approaches to foreign policy. However, the authors of our editorial state, there is still much work to be done to ensure that FFP’s truly challenge existing power structures and promote substantive gender equality, peace and security. With more and more countries adopting a […]

Mehr Frauen an den Verhandlungstisch

In der Ukraine ist die Diplomatie weiterhin eine klassische Männerdomäne. Gerade jetzt ist es aber Zeit für eine feministische Außenpolitik. In der Ukraine ist das Verständnis vom Konzept einer „feministischen Außenpolitik“ derzeit noch sehr begrenzt und beschränkt sich weitgehend auf die Frage der Geschlechtergleichstellung im diplomatischen Dienst, während sich immer mehr europäische Länder wie zum […]

Frauen-Power als Superkraft

Über 40 unabhängige Expertinnen und Experten haben ihre Ideen und Vorstellungen zu zentralen Prinzipien, Instrumenten und Handlungsweisen für eine feministische Außenpolitik geteilt. Die meisten Beiträge sind jetzt auf der Seite des Auswärtigen Amtes abzurufen. Das Auswärtige Amt hat im Sommer 2022 einen „Call for Papers“ zur feministischen Außenpolitik veröffentlicht. Ziel war, in einer frühen Phase […]

Power structures are coded into technology

Digital tools provide benefits and challenges to peacebuilding. An intersectional feminist perspective helps determine how to make the best use of them. From activism on social media to the surveillance of minority groups: new technologies impact the field of peacebuilding in profound ways. The digitalisation of our world, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has huge […]

Solidarity with Ukrainian women and marginalised groups

Germany just announced its guidelines for a feminist foreign policy. In the context of the war in Ukraine, this means actively promoting women’s participation. War impacts men and women in different ways. Nevertheless, it is rightly considered outdated to view women solely as victims of violence. This also applies to Ukraine. Since 24 February 2022, […]