A comprehensive questionnaire for European parliamentary candidates was published in English and German by AGDF, Brot für die Welt, church and peace, forumZFD, Mennonitisches Friedenszentrum Berlin, pax christi, and Plattform Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung.
These seven organisations envision “credible climate and environmental policies”, a “sustainable economy and fair trade” as well as a human (rights) centred foreign and security policy approach for the next European legislative term. Based on that vision, the paper considers five key topics around peacebuilding and civil peace missions, human rights, global justice as well as (nuclear) arms control necessary to achieve “a peaceable and solidarity-based Europe”.
Each topic is introduced with a briefing on the discussion, the NGOs’ position and their line of argument. On this basis, the paper offers concrete and detailed policy questions regarding the potential parliamentary work of European election candidates: from their position on the expansion of the “civilian dimension of the Common Security and Defence Policy” to their commitment to the UN “Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons”.
You can read the full paper “Towards a Peaceable and Solidarity-Based Europe: The 2024 European Elections – Key Questions for Candidates” via the website of Plattform Zivile Konfliktbearbeitung.
A German version of the paper as well as an additional blog article regarding the EU elections are also available online.