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Forging Cooperation on Peace and Climate

Panel discussion: Building peace amidst environmental fragility in Somalia
Berghof Foundation
climate change
Peace and Climate

In Somalia effects of climate change and environmental challenges are deepening fragility, creating obstacles for peacebuilding and thereby sustainable development. Together, they are amplifying threats to human security for many who depend on agriculture, multiplying the number of land disputes and hastening displacement across the country. FriEnt and Berghof will discuss with Somali experts.

On 3rd of May 2023 at 5:30 PM CET, FriEnt and Berghof Foundation will organize an online event titled Building Peace amidst Environmental Fragility – A Dialogue on Upscaling Climate-sensitive Peacebuilding Measures in Somalia at PeaceCon 2023. We invite Sumaya Osman, a member of Insider Peacebuilders Network in Hirshabelle State, Abdullahi Khalif, Principal Advisor to the Somali Federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and Danial Norfolk, Programme Manager of IOM Somalia’s Community Stabilization Unit for a discussion on integrated approaches to the peace-climate nexus in Somalia.

The number of people affected by drought in Somalia has nearly doubled in 2022. Drought, high inflation, and armed hostilities are destroying people’s livelihoods causing widespread hunger and displacement. The compound effects of climate change and environmental challenges are deepening fragility in Somalia, creating obstacles for peacebuilding and thereby sustainable development. Together, they are amplifying threats to human security for many whose livelihoods depend on agriculture, multiplying the number of land disputes, and hastening displacement across the country. The discussion will focus on addressing these aspects of fragility as an essential component of conflict prevention and requirements for inclusive decision making, complementary action and cooperation between the local and state level.

PeaceCon 2023 is the 11th edition of the annual conference organized by Alliance for Peacebuilding and United States Institute of Peace. This year’s theme is Beyond Fragile Ground: New Peacebuilding Architectures for Today and the Future.


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