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LGBTI-Rechte weltweit mutig durchsetzen

BMZ und AA präsentieren die neue LGBTI Inklusionsstrategie
Delia Giandeini | Unsplash

In the virtual event “Diversifying Development” on 12 March 2021, Dr. Hannah Rau of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AA) and Dr. Bernadette Kalz of the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) presented the German government’s new LGBTI inclusion strategy for foreign policy and development cooperation at the GIZ Gender Week. The strategy was officially launched on 3 March after several consultations with civil society.

In his opening remarks, Joachim Goeske, head of Division 400 at the GIZ, stressed the significance of the strategy for the GIZ’s work and drew attention to the various successful pilot projects and the program in Uganda that GIZ has implemented in the area of LGBTI rights.

Dr. Rau and Dr. Kalz described the deeply rooted and structural patterns of discrimination, stigmatization, and persecution that LGBTI persons are facing worldwide as well as the government’s human rights legal foundations. They explained that the strategy’s overarching goal is for German foreign policy and development cooperation to provide structurally sustainable support to the LGBTI human rights work undertaken by civil society. In doing so, particular attention will be given to specific disadvantaged groups, e.g. LGBTI minors and transgender and intersex persons, as well as multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. The LGBTI Inclusion Strategy is a contribution towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals and is guided by the principles of “leave no one behind” and “do no harm”.

The need to discuss rights of LGBTI persons in partner countries

The event was attended at maximum capacity and a lively discussion with numerous and thoughtful questions from the audience ensued in the question and answer session. This demonstrated the large interest in the topic within GIZ as well as the need to continue conversations on the human rights of LGBTI persons in our partner countries. Further the better inclusion in GIZ projects and programs in the future has to happen.

Dr. Rau expressed hope that the strategy would inspire others to work on these issues and reported that the strategy has been met with interest from embassies and other partners. She also highlighted the key role of civil society both in the development and in the implementation of the strategy. She encouraged everyone to read the strategy in full, which can be found at LGBTI Inclusion Strategy (auswaertiges-amt.de). Dr Kalz stated that this presents difficulty in some regional and political contexts. Courage to explicitly discuss and raise awareness for LGBTI rights is needed along with the promotion of further LGBTI project components. This includes sharing of best practices, and improved networking of LGBTI stakeholders. Dr. Kalz further explained that the BMZ has a quality criterion “human rights, gender equality, and disability inclusion” which applies to all measures and according to which every project must be gender sensitive. She emphasized that this gender sensitivity must be understood to include LGBTI sensitivity.

Taking up this argument, Angela Langenkamp, GIZ’s gender representative, pointed out that when GIZ endorsed its gender strategy at the end of 2018, a commitment was made to include equal rights and opportunities for all regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity instead of only referring to men and women. Furthermore, she reiterated that the GIZ guidelines for the gender analysis were adapted to include particular disadvantages to members of the LGBTI community.

Now it´s all about implementation and personal policies

Lastly, Elvis Mujanović introduced the GIZ Rainbow Network, a group that represents the interests of LGBTI employees within the company and promotes awareness both in the GIZ and in the field of development cooperation. Mujanović expressed the network’s belief that the government’s inclusion strategy will have a huge positive impact on the rights of LGBTI persons in the work of GIZ.

Moderator Jessica Stern, Executive Director of Outright International, closed the event by pointing out important next steps: creating an implementation plan, providing training and capacity development, regular statements from political leaders affirming the meaning of the strategy, making the strategy measurable and mandating regular reporting, and providing resourcing towards LGBTI rights.

Further information:

linda.helfrich@giz.de, advisor in the Cross sectoral program on human rights

elvis.mujanović@giz.de, Rainbow Network. Those interested in the work of the Rainbow Network may also email rainbow@giz.de.

Dr. Linda Helfrich

Peace and Security Division, Disaster Risk Management


Elvis Mujanović



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