In the context of the 10th anniversary of the VGGT the online event on the 28th November takes stock and assesses the way forward for responsible land governance and food security. To what extent did the VGGT impact land governance and food security over the past 10 years? How can their utilisation be improved in times of multiple crises with increasing pressure on land resources and rising food prices? Register now for the online exchange.
In times of multiple crises, such as conflicts, the Covid 19 pandemic, climate change and rising food prices worldwide, the pressure on land as a resource continues to grow. The 10th anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) is therefore a good time to underline the relevance of equitable land access for global food security and conflict transformation. The online exchange on the 28th of November also provides space to debate on further questions: To what extent did the VGGT impact land governance and food security over the past 10 years? How can their utilisation be improved in times of multiple crises with increasing pressure on land resources and rising food prices? Based on the experiences of different actors form civil society, research and politics worlwide different approaches to support the implementation of the VGGT will be discussed. Registration is open now.
The event is co-organised by Welthungerhilfe, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) / Land Matrix Initiative and International Land Coalition (ILC) and contributions are made by TMG Research and Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt). FriEnt has prepared a breakout session on “Conflict settings: Reflections on the contribution of the VGGT framework to conflict resolution/peace building approaches to protect local livelihoods and food security”. We are looking forward to meeting you there!
The discussions will continue on 30. November in a face-to-face event and political panel at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. Please find the two separate registration links for the online event and the in person-panel on the right-hand side.