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What’s next for prevention strategies?

Prevention gains momentum with UN member states
Photo: Nadir sYzYgY | Unsplash

The Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at New York University reports on what has happened in the discussion around national prevention strategies since it published a blog on the topic.

In April 2024, the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at New York University (NYU) published a blog underscoring the momentum that prevention – particularly national prevention strategies – had gained among United Nations (UN) member states. This was evidenced by recent open debates at the UN Security Council (UNSC) and meetings at the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) (for further details, please refer to the “Background” section below). You can read the original blog here and its main points below:

  • The demand-driven approach to prevention and increasing appetite to discuss national strategies amongst member states;
  • Member states’ perspectives on the benefits of discussing national prevention strategies at the PBC;
  • Next steps to building on the momentum ahead of the Summit of the Future and the Peacebuilding Architecture Review.

Since the blog was published, the momentum for prevention is still visible. For example, in August, a UNSC Open Debate focused on conflict prevention was organised under Sierra Leone’s UNSC presidency. Furthermore, member states agreed in the Pact for the Future to strengthen and implement existing national prevention strategies and consider developing them where they do not exist. The Pact also notes that such strategies should be voluntary, reflect national priorities, and address the root causes of violence and armed conflict. It states that member states should receive support through the whole UN system, including the PBC, upon request. The Peacebuilding Architecture Review 2025 will be an opportunity to continue building on this momentum.

If you are interested in learning more about CIC’s work on prevention and national prevention strategies, please check out the CIC website and its latest publications including the ones linked in the box on the right-hand side of this article.


At the UNSC, for example, Japan organised an open debate on conflict prevention during their Presidency on 13 March 2024. At the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), member states have presented their national prevention efforts. For example, Mozambique on 29 March 2023, Canada, Colombia and Norway on 19 June 2023; Mauritania on 20 March 2024; and Kenya, Norway and Timor-Leste on 22 March 2024.

Marta Bautista Forcada and Céline Monnier

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