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Coming to peace with COVID-19?

11. December 2020
Agenda 2030
SDG 16
The FriEnt study “Coming to Peace with COVID-19?” looks at the concrete challenges and risks for peace and development actors posed by the pandemic.

The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly developed into a multilateral crisis that poses a continuing threat for people, societies and politics in all parts of the world. While health hazards and economic effects are primary concerns for response measures, implications for peace, justice and inclusion receive far less attention, although the consequences are equally severe. The study Coming to peace with Covid-19? explores the implications of the pandemic to gain a better understanding of current dynamics of peace and conflict across the world: Contributions from four global peace networks and 27 partner organisations provide a vivid picture of current trends and developments regarding peace and conflict dynamics, access to justice, respect for the rule of law, democratic governance and inclusive participation, and the protection of vulnerable groups. Policy recommendations address major risks for the core objectives of SDG 16 and on how to apply a peacebuilding lens on COVID-19 response measures.
The study is a joint initiative of the Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt) and the GIZ Governance and Conflict Department SDG 16 Focal Person and incorporates the findings of a global survey among peace groups, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), transnational networks, and local partners of the German Civil Peace Service (CPS).

Anna-Maria Heisig
Dr. Tanja Kasten


Elsa Benhöfer

Policy Officer for international processes


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Coming to peace with COVID-19?
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