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Neue FriEnt-Publikation zu Wirtschaft und Frieden

Business and Peace. A checklist process is not an option – What efforts influence company behaviour?
business and peace

The new FriEnt publication on Business and Peace examines how corporate behavior and efforts can contribute to alleviating the risk of violence, reducing fragility and promoting peace.
Die neue FriEnt-Publikation zu Wirtschaft und Frieden untersucht, wie das Verhalten von Unternehmen dazu beitragen kann Gewaltrisiken zu lindern, Fragilität zu reduzieren und Frieden zu fördern.

Economic development is an important basis for peace and the actors in this field are numerous and diverse. However, economic development does not automatically bring peace. The resources and investments of private economic actors that are brought into a conflict environment often become part of the conflict. If a local context is also characterized by fragility, there is a risk of a violent escalation of competition for resources. To avoid this, unconventional approaches by economic actors in cooperation with peacebuilding actors are needed. Only in this way can the “development-peace link” function sustainably.

Die vollständige FirEnt Publikation finden Sie hier.

Caroline Kruckow
Caroline Kruckow

Caroline Kruckow is the FriEnt representative of 'Brot für die Welt'.


Sylvia Servaes

Sylvia Servaes is the FrieEnt representative of 'Misereor'



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