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Walking the Line. Strategic Approaches to Peacebuilding in Lebanon

1. Dezember 2008
Naher Osten
forum ZFD Lebanon
The essay analyses the conflict and peacebuilding context after the 2006 war in Lebanon and the ensuing political deadlock and escalation throughout 2007.

After the 2006 war in Lebanon and the ensuing political deadlock and escalation
throughout 2007, FriEnt member organisations expressed the need for a more
thorough understanding of the conflict and peacebuilding context and for reflection
on options for peacebuilding by German development and peace organisations.

As a result, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (hbs), the German Development Service (DED),
the Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD) and the Working Group on Development
and Peace (FriEnt) jointly commissioned a study whose objective is twofold:

To identify relevant fields of activity for peacebuilding by German development
and peace organisations;

To identify potentials, deficits and needs of existing approaches and give recommendations for coordination with Lebanese and international actors in order
to strengthen coherence and relevance of peacebuilding activities.

Heiko Wimmen
Martin Kraft
Muzna Al-Mazri
Natascha Zupan
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Walking the Line. Strategic Approaches to Peacebuilding in Lebanon
Größe: 515KB
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